Students are encouraged to follow the same instructions when working with the same sheets of paper.
Discrimination – Do students avoid some classmates, do not perceive them as partners or members of their groups, hinder their participation in class and school activities? Is this behavior due to gender, religion, ethnicity or personal qualities?
Ostracism, bullying – are there periods when students do not communicate with one or more colleagues or do not allow them to participate in their activities? How long are such periods? Ostracism is a common occurrence among adolescents of different cultures. It is painfully experienced by those who are persecuted and has a very negative effect on the sense of tolerance of those who practice it. Such situations require a lot of effort from the teacher. Any intervention must be careful and tactful. The teacher must understand the subject of the harassment. Perhaps this is a reaction to disrespect for collective values, which is sometimes supported by the teaching staff.
Exhausting harassment – do some students try to systematically insult others with unpleasant inscriptions, caricatures on desks, textbooks, trying to force the victim to follow the rules of the group or withdraw? Is it a joke or an act of humiliation?
Abuse or humiliation – do some students leave inscriptions or caricatures on other people’s things? Do they show satisfaction when they are humiliated? Are they joking about the faith, clothes, customs of others? Do they behave this way in the presence of adults, in public places?
Jokes – do some students try to instill fear in the younger, weaker ones, or do they force other students to do the same?
Expulsion – Were some students improperly expelled from the club, club, work group? Has anyone been unjustifiably expelled from school?
Exception – does it happen that some students are systematically not allowed to participate in games, clubs, extracurricular activities? Do students who isolate others explain their behavior? Do they treat victims like strangers?
Segregation – Is there a tendency among students to be grouped by race, religion, ethnicity, gender, social, material or other criteria and to maintain most social relationships within these groups? Are there such leaders at the head of such groups who encourage segregation and antagonism?
Repression – Does it happen that by using force by one or more students, some colleagues are not allowed to participate in discussions or express themselves about social relations with peers? Are they making fun of their opinion?
Massacre – Were there any cases of assault or injury of some students to others? How often do physical confrontations occur? Do such confrontations occur due to the fact that students belong to different groups, clubs, associations, gangs?
Analyzing the consequences of violence and demonstrating to students the most effective and realistic ways to resolve conflicts peacefully will help eradicate the phenomenon of intolerance.
Annex 2
Some indicators of tolerant behavior
Language – students do not use insults towards each other. They assume communication in other languages and respect foreign languages, pay attention to those who are just beginning to learn the official language of the school.
Classroom conditions are the same for everyone. All children have open access to all lessons and extracurricular activities. Everyone seeks to create a favorable learning climate.
Social relations – teachers and students communicate respectfully and kindly with each other, students communicate respectfully with each other.
Decision making – everyone’s opinion is taken into account when making any decision. As they grow older, students are given the opportunity to discuss and make decisions about the growing range of issues of interest to them. In the school environment, students gain democratic experience.
Most-minority-teacher and student relations respect students from certain cultural, religious, ethnic or linguistic groups. Students have the opportunity to learn about the traditions of these minorities. The school curriculum involves the study of the experiences and opinions of minorities.
Significant events – regardless of gender and belonging to cultural, religious, ethnic or linguistic groups, students equally participate in traditional school or local holidays, celebrations.
Cultural holidays and events – the school recognizes the traditional holidays of cultural groups represented in the team, the school participates in their celebration.
Religious aspect – the religious beliefs of all children are respected. They have the opportunity to reveal to friends the essence of their faith and religious practice.
Collaboration between groups is a very common practice of interactive learning and working in small groups. Teachers make sure that the majority of cultural and other minorities are represented in such groups.
It is believed that in groups where most of these symptoms are observed, the relationship is tolerant.
Annex 3
Some suggestions for preventing bullying at school
Be vigilant to detect cases of teasing as early as possible. Collaborate with other teachers to identify ways to overcome the situation and apply the most effective ones in advance. Encourage interpersonal relationships between teachers and students based on cooperation and solidarity. Emphasize the importance of human dignity and instill in students an understanding of and respect for human rights. Encourage students to understand the nature and consequences of violence and intimidation. To help students understand the concept of nonviolence and the need to develop the qualities of appropriate behavior, to stimulate their intensification. To form skills of solving problems and transformation of conflict situations. Consolidate the relationship between teachers and parents, the school and the community, because such teasing is not a personal problem, but concerns the interests of society as a whole.
Development of an educational hour
Topic: Politeness – kindness, respect and humanity.
Time – 45 minutes
Main goal:
Students will be able to: identify skills of ethical behavior.
Operational goals:
Students will be able to:
interpret the meaning of key terms: politeness, kindness, respect, humanity, tolerance; to formulate conclusions concerning the importance of accepting differences for the formation of ethical behavior; determine the relationship of key terms with the spirit of tolerance; determine the level of tolerance in the appropriate class; develop tactics for constructing ethical behavior based on tolerance.
Learning technologies: discovery, guided discussion, didactic game, collective pantomime sculpture, role play, situation analysis, reflection, work in large groups, work in small groups, work in pairs, individual work.
Equipment: handouts, posters.
The course of the lesson
Sound background – lyrical instrumental music. The teacher asks students to express their understanding of Cervantes’ statement "Nothing is so cheap and not as expensive as politeness."
Announcement of the topic: "Politeness – kindness, respect and humanity". Announcement of goals. Explanation of key terms (work in 5 groups to discuss terms, development of a common definition and writing it on a poster, comparison of this definition with the definition of an explanatory dictionary).
Main part:
Game "Vitinanka". Condition: all instructions are followed immediately, without further explanation. Students are encouraged to follow the same instructions when working with the same sheets of paper. "Divide the sheet into 4 parts, cut the upper right corner, fold the figure in half, round the sharp corner with scissors, fold the figure in half, cut a right angle, unfold the sheet, consider the resulting figure. What is it associated with? Why do the obtained excerpts differ, but everyone followed the same instructions? ”Briefly formulate a conclusion from this exercise, reveal its meaning.
Remarks for the teacher: the excerpts obtained as a result of the exercise turned out different, because we are all different. Every spoken word is perceived differently and arouses various emotions and reactions in us. The fact that the patterns are not the same, the overall picture only benefits – it becomes more diverse and spectacular. People also differ in appearance (race, skin, gender, age, figure, etc.) and the inner world (character, worldview, faith, political views, culture, education, etc.). Kindness, politeness, humanity, as well as other qualities, are more or less inherent in every person. The differences that exist between people are the subject of personal enrichment of each of us. The quality of society depends on how the people who make it up get along with each other, on how much they perceive each other, learn from each other and support each other for a common goal – the continuous improvement of everyone’s material and moral comfort.
Work in small groups. Students are divided into 4 groups, each of which receives a task:
Identify the positive aspects of tolerance. Give a brief description of a tolerant person. Imagine a situation of intolerance in their classroom. Find several causes of intolerance and describe the consequences of its manifestation.
The results should be presented in an unconventional way: staging, symbolic drawings, pantomime, collective sculpture.
Work in pairs. Students are given sheets with a list of signs of intolerance (Appendix 1) and asked to determine the extent to which each of the indicators is specific to their class, assessing the indicators on the following scale: 1 point (no, never), 2 points (rare), 3 points (often) 4 points (yes, constantly). The leading mediator calculates the amount of points and shows on an improvised thermometer the "temperature" of intolerance in the team.
The teacher asks students to develop ways to overcome intolerance so that the class becomes tolerant and comfortable.
Gifted children in US schools
Technologies for working with gifted children
Financial and economic aspects
Expenditures on education from the US budget – 7%.
1% of real estate tax goes to the local budget for education.
The total amount of state spending on education can reach 60% of the budget. In the state of North Carolina – 6.8 billion dollars.
Funding for gifted and talented children is up to 7% of the state budget.
The average salary of a school teacher is 30-40 thousand dollars. per year, the school principal – 45-100 thousand dollars. Additional salary of teachers who work with gifted children – 7% of the rate.
Budget funding for 150 different higher education programs by the US population – 14 billion dollars.